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Mike & Kris Hoheisel (@mhoheisel)
4 months ago

Hello all.

My wife has been working hard on her side gig for the last 2 years. She has been doing masterful work with personal items done with her Cricut involving just about everything from Iron on garments to Sublimation, mugs, coasters etc. she does great work and has a strong local following. She has saved up for a new Ranger CO2 Laser and we took delivery a few weeks ago. I am hooked on this machine and am helping her get started, as well as doing things guys would like to add to her offering. We are looking for any info that can be had on Material Library for the Ranger since one is not provided. We have done several projects and are getting the hang of things. Just looking for some guidance on different materials, especially cutting.

Thank you in advance, already learned a lot from the Laser Everything team on You Tude.

Mike and Kris.

Crafty Designs in the Pines.

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