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How did you find MakerREMIX?
How did you find us online? Let me know so I can focus our attention there! Bonus points: leave a comment and let me know why you signed up. This will help me to focus my attention on effective stra.. Read more
11 votes
IMPORTANT: What kind of rewards would you like to see here for joining a paid membership tier like the LMA?
**IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ** --------------------------- I'd like to set up a platform for members to be able to support us on M.RMX if they choose to do so. Among many reasons why this would be prefe.. Read more
12 votes
Are you, in fact, on a boat?
I'm on a ball made up of fire, water, dirt and molten rock thats spinning at 1000 miles per hour and hurtling into the vast, endless void of space at a pace my mind cannot even comprehend all the whil.. Read more