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Anthony Montez (@anthonym)
15 months ago

Here are a few projects I’ve undertaken over the last couple of days. Please share/show off your work!

@vinny thats a good get! Congrats!
15 months ago
Update for me: Found both the saw and router table (with router) from the same guy on Assbook Marketplace. Got both for a total of $70. Got both set up and running.

Cut some circle ornaments out of that new ply I picked up. Don't really like how it engraves, may try paint or powder coat filling. Or may use them for another project.

All the electronic stuff I set out to either fix or test, has been tested and fixed. Need to take some pics of one of the items and list it for sale.
15 months ago
Ya'll been busier than me... Hooked up at the local flea market this past Saturday and pushed 11 tumblers and 7 diode creations across the table for a nice chunk of change... Most folks went for the 2A stuff and a couple of religious items... Made this yesterday with 3 layers of basswood and tried the paint masking after watching Michael's video on it.
15 months ago
@vinny that was 1/4” acrylic primered
15 months ago
@anthonym You have been busy! Did you cut the aluminum panels on your 30W ?
15 months ago
@vinny If you click the body of my post It'll show my pics. Kinda bummed they aren't shown from the main page. Maybe I'll have to do a regular post and not a question next time? Still getting the hang of this platform
15 months ago
Finally fixing electronic stuff I've been avoiding, searching out a router table and radial arm saw for some upcoming projects (no idea where I'm going to put them!)

I did pick up a BUNCH of 4" x 24" x 3/16 what appears to be hardwood ply. Haven't decided what I'm going to do with it yet.

Also got some ornaments to run in the CO2 (fixture already made).

How 'bout you?
15 months ago
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