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Vince Nobucks (@vinny)
14 months ago

What happened to Millijoule and LETV? I just looked at the LE youtube for Millijoule and didn't see any recent trace of it. I noticed LETV disappeared a week or two ago (maybe longer, time's flying recently).

@chargepositif He agrees don't worry.
14 months ago
I wanna see Matt's marvelous Millijoule Maker Monday manifested!

But I can wait. :-)
14 months ago
100% of my time that I spent working on those things is going into the market right now. LETV just fell offline due to an internet disconnect and MJ takes a lot of time to research, shoot and edit so it's just been a non option rn. Also the LMA is down about 50 members which is hurting payroll so we're short on funds too with our big team hence the push for market opening and ads on the LE site.
14 months ago
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