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John Uftring (@chargepositif)
14 months ago

Are there guidelines for the various images for pages, profile banners, etc.? Was going to make an image for a Page for my engraving biz and need optimal dimensions so I can use Adobe Express to make one for me.

I'll get those for you.
14 months ago
1 people followed this question

Here you go John, hope this helps:


Templates attached to the forum post for convenience.

Banner size: 900px x 350px @ 72dpi

Profile Photo size: 500px x 500px @ 72dpi

[LE] Alex @admin
14 months ago
@admin Oh, well in that case I'll keep at it. 😆 QA testing and filing bugs was one of many things I did during my career as a software engineer... Imagine, getting paid(!) to break things, on purpose 🤩
14 months ago
@chargepositif oh god 😂 well someone's gotta do it. I'd rather too many bug reports than too few.
14 months ago
@quasarn01 back to top was early to the list
- #x25 General: Add back to top button
14 months ago
@chargepositif Thanks John. I looked for the FR all over this thing and couldn't find it. Turns out it was way over the top of the hill, down below the pond, and next to the 4th oak tree... 🤪
14 months ago
@quasarn01 FIle a feature request. I know that I have dropped a lot of feature requests for various other things I'd like to see. So much so that @admin probably says, "Fsck! Not that %$$#^ again..." when he sees a new feature request from me.

14 months ago
@admin Thanks here also for the specs... Just curious though, if there is a way that a 'Back To Top' arrow could be implemented in one of the bottom corners to automatically scroll back to the top of the page instead of manually scrolling... The Chat Icon is already in the lower right and a 'Back to To' button would look nice just above the chat icon... You're magic and, as a magic man, I know you can make it happen... 🤣
14 months ago
@chargepositif You got it boss
14 months ago
@admin Thank you sir.
14 months ago
Additionally I have added a page to the wiki for tracking specs and start up information FOR the site itself.
It can be viewed here: makerremix.com/index.php?p=wiki/viewstory/225
14 months ago