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Bill Papanicolaou (@pap265)
14 months ago
Maybe making a jig that allows for two positions of the object you're trying to engrave will help streamline it, if you're going to be doing mass production? You'll probably still need to check alignment, but it'd be easier.
14 months ago
Thank you Sam, I thought as much. So with a Cloudray F290 (D200x200) I will need to move it plate into a 2nd position :(
That will be a bit tricky aligning things like patterns.
14 months ago
If I'm understanding correctly, you're going to have to reposition the object at least once. Cause the lenses can only go up to 300mm x 300mm (30cm x 30cm). For power that depends on the power of your laser. The smaller the lens, the more power you should have.
14 months ago
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