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[LE] Alex (@admin)
11 votes

How did you find us online? Let me know so I can focus our attention there!

Bonus points: leave a comment and let me know why you signed up.

This will help me to focus my attention on effective strategies to grow our userbase.


(if OTHER please comment below as well!)

I also found out about LINK and now makeremix from your video announcement on YouTube. I joined because I listed to the Podcast and your Channels. Laser Everything is a wonderful resource for all things Laser. I am continually impressed by your content and everyone's hard work at LE. I am an Innovation Lab Specialist at a public library system and I am always looking for new and exciting ways to use our equipment to connect with the community. I always reccomed your website, podcasts, and videos to patrons and students and want to be a part of a the LE community and support your endeavors! I also want to utilize makerremix to meet like-minded makers and find quality vendors to purchase from.
12 months ago
Your video announcement.
14 months ago
14 months ago
I went looking for Laser Everything LINK, and somebody, @admin I'm looking at you 🤨, changed the name on me after I signed up.
14 months ago
@quasarn01 What a fascinating story!
14 months ago
@vinny sucker
14 months ago
I clicked the FB option, but, that's not really being honest. Actually I was tootling along one day when a voice inside my head kept saying, "Dude, you ain't going nowhere in life... Turn your life around now and try MakerRemix before it's too late..." So, here I am...
14 months ago
I got suckered in by Alex's promises of things never changing again!
14 months ago