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[LE] Alex (@admin)
12 votes


I'd like to set up a platform for members to be able to support us on M.RMX if they choose to do so. Among many reasons why this would be preferable is the HUGE benefit that PAYPAL is a feasible option here, which we can't currently offer on the LMA. We're wondering what kind of rewards you'd like to see for a subscription. Rewards should be programmable and easy to distribute with low overhead so as to make sure the majority of the funds can continue to pay for our staff, resource curation and further development.

Please let me know any thoughts or ideas you might have. I'm interested in hearing them all.

I have a few ideas already but I'm curious what you would suggest as well, as it is your community!

  • Access to LMA Google Meet Events - this one is pretty simple, access to an area where you can join in on the Google Meet events available to our LMA subscribers!
  • Profile Picture Stickers - small stamps or stickers that you can show off on your profile picture site wide, so everyone knows you're supporting everything we're trying to do here.
  • Name Badges - small badge icons that appear next to your name when you publish content to M.RMX
  • Access to Secret Areas - Gain access to secret or private areas of the site like forums or groups for a variety of purposes (open to suggestions)
  • Video Shoutouts / Credits - Just like the LMA members receive now, a shout out to all of our M.RMX supporters in the credits
  • Vote in Private Polls - Vote in private polls to help make decisions about the channel(s), content, and direction our services take in the future.
  • Exclusive Marketplace Deals / Coupons - we'd like to work with our partners in the industry to provide extra savings and deals to subscribers that support our communities, web services, learning resources, channels and staff.

Have another idea? PLEASE leave me a comment below and let me know.

If you follow along with the channel and our growth you'll know that learning resources have been moving from paid to FREE for everyone in the community, and we want to keep it that way. Locking learning resources behind a paywall doesn't cut it for us, so we're looking for some new ideas to thank you guys for making this all possible.

(you may vote for multiple items in this poll)

You get a lens, You get a lens. Everyone gets a lens!!!!
14 months ago
@jackintheshop he'd be like Oprah!
14 months ago
A 300mm lens for everyone that signs up.
14 months ago
@samuel All really good feedback Sam thank you.
14 months ago
Personally, I think LMA should be rolled into this and have paid tiers and/or À la carte for features.

In addition to market place coupons, maybe boost posts, access to exclusive rooms.

If you do any livestreams that get edited later, then I definitely would like access to the unedited video content earlier. Cause in those instances, the livestreams tend to go away, wait before reuploads. If I can't make the livestream due to scheduling conflicts, it'd be nice to not have to wait.
14 months ago
Marketplace coupons would be cool
14 months ago