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Bill Papanicolaou (@pap265)
13 months ago
Hi All, I still haven't bought my Fiber laser yet and just recently saw a moving X-Y Gantry which means it can laser a bigger area if needed. What are your thoughts about this?
@admin I’ve only ever seen the one Laser Engraving with Matt has and maybe watched it used like once as a fiber.
12 months ago
@anthonym I haven't seen the lower end ones at work like the OMTech that just got pulled off Amazon, but the higher end ones in my experience like the Epliog Fusions have done great work - I'd expect mostly the same from the open hardware sector.
12 months ago
They seem like a great concept, but seem to have a very limited scope of use cases. Maybe its a Catch-22 and these have to be more widely available in order for more uses to appear? The main use that comes to my mind is signage.
13 months ago
@admin How are those gantry units that have a CO2 and fiber source in them? Are they any good at doing fiber laser stuff?

@pap265 sorry if I gave the wrong impression about the galvo + gantry setups. A practical solution may be a number of years out so, while I wouldn't give up hope, I wouldn't hold my breath either. If you can tell us a little about what you want to do with a laser, maybe we can figure out a good solution for you.
13 months ago
@pap265 I'd really consider a gantry fiber laser if you absolutely need that big of a workspace.
13 months ago
Those are such a cool concept, it's too bad nobody has really nailed it yet. I'm sure it's low priority for sotware developers since I cant imagine there being more than, or even close to, 0.01% representation of that type of laser out there. But, hey, 10 years ago fiber lasers probably weren't something anybody thought hobbyists would have in their homes, right? I wouldn't give up hope.
13 months ago
Thanks Alex, I suppose just wait until "they" get it right.
13 months ago
These RARELY work as intended and have big issues with lining up "seams". Personally, I would avoid. I've never heard a good word about them.
13 months ago