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Chad (@castlewoodworking)
14 months ago
just finished up a batch of some laser cut Halloween decor on my diode working on different designs as we speak.. not sure why my pics keep showing up sideways #diodelaser #jtechphotonics #diode #halloween
these are nice
14 months ago
I love this!
14 months ago
@castlewoodworking It's because the software that runs this message system doesn't properly interpret the data associated with an image that tells how to properly display the image. @admin knows and is working on it (or the dev team).
14 months ago
@admin why is one of the images sideways it shows up fine until i post? any idea
14 months ago
thanks they can easily be created in canva
14 months ago
man the simplicity of the dual layer works soooo well with this design
14 months ago