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Jack (@jackintheshop)
14 months ago
14 months ago
@admin gotta love the early beeps and boops from PC games. Oh, and the original IBM PC case makes a great boat anchor.
14 months ago
The YMF262 was a DOS/PC chip from the adlib tracker days. Good old DOS game music.
14 months ago
It doesn't surprise me that the chips were being harvested. Pretty solid sound generators at the time. According to Wikipedia, the developer of the SID chip went on to be a co-founder of the Ensoniq brand of synthesizers.
14 months ago
@chargepositif I never had a C64. I know I was told the audio chips from the C64 were being harvested for years making a good original C64 hard to find.
14 months ago
@jackintheshop Nope. C64 used MOS Technology "SID" chips, aka MOS6581 and MOS8580s. The C64 Demo Scene was one of my favorite "scenes" back in the day. There were some pretty cool sounds and video effects from those groups.
14 months ago
@chargepositif Sometimes I will spin up a few VMs running old OSs
14 months ago
@chargepositif I still have a bunch of IOS files of the old OSs
14 months ago
@admin That is the chip the C64 used ain't it?
14 months ago
Yeah, the road to where we are now computer- and OS-wise is littered with obscure, but pretty good, CPUs, machines, OSes, apps, etc., that just didn't get the traction or visibility of MS-DOS+IBM. I wish I still had a copy of Microsoft Windows 1. Oh, and let's not forget the GEM windowing OS.
14 months ago
Sound chips anyone?
14 months ago
@chargepositif I have to admit, I forgot about OS2 myself. Way back when. and Deskmate. LOL. Most people don't even know about Microsoft BOB. I still have a copy
14 months ago
@jackintheshop In that case, don't forget three of the coolest desktop OSes that are usually forgtotten: CP/M, MP/M, and OS/2
14 months ago
@chargepositif Maybe some MOBO post screens? I don't know yet.
14 months ago
@chargepositif No plans ATM. Thought about going through some of the OSs. DOS, Linux, FreeBSD logos. Maybe doing the desktop screens on a group of coasters. BASH script on a few.
14 months ago
@mrpewpew Well, given the scale, I think the pins would be about the size of toothpicks, and not too many of them at that; though the pqfp chips definitely would suck to solder.
14 months ago
@jackintheshop that's a cool idea. If you are headed down that path, got any plans for other families? Zilog, Motorola 68xx, 68xxx

Got my start programming Intel chips on the 8080 back in '80 or '81 on a breadboard.
14 months ago
14 months ago
@mrpewpew I remember straightening the bent pins on these things. That was bad enough.
14 months ago
@directedt3ch Blazing fast. LOL
14 months ago
it's still insane that as humans, we were able to trick rocks into thinking. very cool engraving.
14 months ago
Imagine soldering that into place lol
14 months ago
Speed demon right there!
14 months ago
@chargepositif I am thinking about making a design to put a large group of chips on a coaster. Starting with the 8080 to 8088 then 286 386 and 486
14 months ago
Seems about the right size, too.
14 months ago
Not only am I jealous I didn't think of this, but also this makes me feel soooooo old.
14 months ago