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Changelog 2023.09.09
[LE] Alex (@admin)
Join date: Aug 7th 2023
Community posts: 821
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New Updates to the Market
2023.09.09 Changelog:

  1. The Market is now open for testing. If you'd like to help test by making some purchases from our founding vendors visit:

  2. The following legal documents have been updated:
    Terms of Service: https://market.makerremix.com/terms-of-service/
    Privacy Policy: https://market.makerremix.com/privacy-policy/
    Acceptable Use Policy: https://market.makerremix.com/acceptable-use/
    Code of Conduct: https://market.makerremix.com/code-of-conduct/
    Shipping + Return Policy: https://market.makerremix.com/return-policy/
    DMCA Takedown Request Information: https://market.makerremix.com/dmca-takedown-request

  3. Vendor funds are now held for one week from date of payment before withdrawal. Vendor accounts now list two balances, the Current Balance and the Available Balance. Current Balance are the funds currently attributed to the Vendor's account. Available Balance are the portion of those funds available for withdrawal.
    The one week holding period is temporary while we implement more code changes. In the future new defaults will be applied as follows:
    Transactions <$1000 = 2 Week Holding Period
    Transactions >$1000 = 4 Week Holding Period
    These holding periods are implemented to protect both the buyer in the event the item never ships, and the vendor in the event of a chargeback or dispute. Over time, as Vendors demonstrate good seller habits and behaviors, we will have the option to reduce holding period times on a per-vendor basis.

  4. Vendor backend links have been reorganized. You can now find things much more easily than in the past. Sections like "My Store" and "My Products" are filled with more relevant links. Commonly used functions are closer to the top of user interface insteady of having to dig for them in menus.

  5. Vendors can now generate collections and organize them into menus that appear on their vendor storefront if they desire.

  6. An error where our booking system labeled "Appointment Booking" as "Table Booking" has been resolved. Appointment Booking is now labeled correctly.

  7. The "Tax ID" field during Borderless setup for vendors now ONLY accepts numbers. Previously, the field accepted numbers and characters, causing errors when users input values such as (111-111-1111) - now users can only enter numerical keys (1111111111) which will avoid confusion and reduce requests for support during this process.

  8. Bank SWIFT or BIC, and POP Code notes have been entered below the fields in Borderless setup to clarify their function and whether or not they are required to help resolve some confusion.

  9. Now, when a borderless account is successfully connected to the vendor backend, a message appears stating the borderless status as connected. Previously, there was no message and it was impossible to tell whether or not you had connected with borderless without trying to connect again and receiving an error. In the future vendors will be able to disconnect or edit connections to Borderless though this functionality is not currently available.

  10. In a continued effort to increase site wide security, passwords are now only valid for 90 days. This includes administration, vendors, and customers. If your password expires while logged out, you will be prompted to change it the next time you log in with your old password.

  11. Vendors are now required to submit their own return policy in their vendor settings. This field is mandatory, even if the policy is NO REFUNDS OR RETURNS. Upon checkout customers are forced to acknowledge each vendors return policy via a checkbox that states they've read and accepted those terms. This meausure is put in place to help protect vendors against fradulent chargebacks.
    We recommend spending time (and if necessary, money on a service like Termly) generating your ToS and Refund Policy so they are as secure as possible. In the event a chargeback is issued against the Market the vendor IS responsible. We will fight chargebacks to the best of our ability using tools like these terms and policies, but in the case that we fail the losses will be recooped from the vendor account balance. Having a strong refund and return policy and clear terms and conditions offers us the best chance at successfully winning in chargeback cases.
14 months ago
Vince Nobucks (@vinny)
Join date: Aug 7th 2023
Community posts: 750
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Don't recall if I mentioned it before, but in Michigan a tax number can have TR or BTR in front of the numbers. I think that was done for those without an FEIN.

14 months ago