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Marketplace Update 2023.08.26
[LE] Alex (@admin)
Join date: Aug 7th 2023
Community posts: 821
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Recent Updates:

  • A critical funds processing error in which marketplace transaction fees were calculated including tax and shipping has been fixed. Transaction fees are now calculated AFTER tax and shipping have been deducted, resulting in approx. 1% more funds received by the vendor rather than the market.
  • Vendors are now able to place products on sale. Simply add a list price higher than the (current) price. [List Price] should reflect the typical pricing of the item. [Price] should reflect the sale price. When an item is not on sale only [Price] should be used. In the future we will look into making this more intuitive.
  • FREE shipping is now checked by default on digital products
  • When a customer purchases a product they now have the option to leave a review on the orders page
  • On product creation page, category search has been replaced with cascading checkboxes
  • CSS Fixes for: Social Icons, Search Bar, Pricing Page, Sidebar Features, Product Listing Hover/Photo, Category Page, Wishlist, Vendor Storefronts, Access Information Email Confirmation, and Error Texts.
  • Undefinable Variable Error fixed on Vendor Document Submission
  • NEW Higher quality default vendor photo and cover photos have been crafted and applied
  • Feature lists that list recommended vendors now displays the vendor name as a link
15 months ago