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Change How Polls Display
John Uftring (@chargepositif)
Join date: Aug 7th 2023
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Right now polls always display check boxes and a "vote" button, regardless of whether you already have voted or not.

If you have already voted, including the case of you just voted and haven't left the poll page, the list of options should not display check boxes, and there should not be a "vote" button displayed.

Unless, you will allow changing your vote. As it is now you can select a choice, click the "vote" button and a message is displayed that says you already have voted. It would be cool to allow changing your vote, and when the "already voted" message pops up, maybe add a button to allow your previous poll choice to be changed.

15 months ago
[LE] Alex (@admin)
Join date: Aug 7th 2023
Community posts: 821
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  • x066 Polls: Users that have already voted should not see the radio buttons and vote submission button.
  • x067 Polls: Create a button to allow users to change their vote
15 months ago