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Calling All VENDORS!
[LE] Alex (@admin)
Join date: Aug 7th 2023
Community posts: 821
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Important Update!

We wanted to reach out today to explain a few of the things are going on and keep you up-to-date as we make our final push to launch. As of now, all vendors have access to reestablish their stores with the understanding that their products will stay securely in place with a more optimized ability to list every feature that makes your items spectacular.

With the fourth quarter right around the corner, we will be beginning our push to market the machines and brands that we have already established in our market place with actual video from the website. By getting your products listed as quickly as possible, you’ll ensure your place in our future videos highlighting the market places, ability to help buyers find the right machines for their purpose.

Another item on the agenda to help highlight your products, and company, is that Matt will be writing a weekly blog and millijoule that highlights makers and manufacturers who have active stores in the marketplace. He will send you a brief survey with some simple questions, and then do a write up using your answers to generate what makes your brand something to choose or look into on the marketplace.

We are 100% focused on the success of the marketplace and will be available to help support vendors in creating their stores. Your success is our success; and the community is meant for you and all of the makers. So please join us this week in posting your best and brightest items to your marketplace store so that we can get this ball rolling!

15 months ago