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Marketplace Update 2023.08.08
[LE] Alex (@admin)
Join date: Aug 7th 2023
Community posts: 821
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Recent updates:

  • Products can no longer be added to gift cards, gift cards are now for store credit only
  • The store front has been permanently switched to dark mode to align with the rest of LE design language
  • All remaining white fields have been switched to gray
  • All remaining dark text has been switched to white
  • A bug with the account menu overlaying on the header has been fixed
  • Vendor profiles are now required to be 500x500 pixels
  • Front end of the site has undergone a redesign to be easier to use and navigate
  • Product Title color has been changed to be made far more visible to customers
  • Logo in checkout now returns customers to the home page of the website

In Progress:

  • Gift cards can not be removed from the cart or wish list, a fix is underway
  • New cash in vendor account balances will be locked for one week following a sale to protect consumers and vendors from fraud, currently in development
  • The main menu on the vendor backend is being reorganized to make it more user friendly and approachable
  • Free shipping will be checked by default on digital products
  • Confirmation emails will not be sent to customers until payments are fully processed
  • Limited use download links are getting a feature that alerts the customer to the number of uses that remain
  • Review system is being heavily modified including: only users that are logged in will be able to leave reviews, customers that are logged in will be able to edit reviews once posted, customers will be given the option to leave a review AFTER they have purchased a product
  • Vendors will soon be able to generate collections of items to populate their custom storefront menus with
  • Vendors will soon be able to process refunds without administrator intervention
15 months ago
This thread was moved from Forum + Wiki