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M.RMX Market
14 months ago




While we were reorganizing the product category hierarchy to integrate product features we unfortunately stumbled upon a bug which caused our product listings database to be RESET. You WILL have to add your products to the marketplace again. The issue has been COMPLETELY RESOLVED and we do not anticipate this being an issue ever again. (If you were already aware of this issue it did NOT happen again - this is a repost.)

We are here to assist if we can. While these updates may have caused a setback in the product listings for now, it was a necessary change to have the site better prepared and organized for the vast offerings from all vendors. In addition, will improve site performance for everyone, and will make listings MUCH easier for site visitors to find the items they seek in a more streamlined way. We'll have more updates for you soon, as our development team makes enormous strides with fixes and updates. Most importantly these changes were required to implement Product Features, you can read more about this important update below.


The Product Features... well, feature, is one of the best ways to get your products seen by customers and one of the best ways you can make your listings stand out against the competition. Enabling this feature gives vendors a consistent and easily digestible way for customers to consume information about your products.

Product features differs from traditional options variants because product features are unified and consistent across all listings of particular categories. Is your rotary two phase or three phase? Is your laser 1064nm or 355nm wavelength? Product Features allow these questions to be answered at a glance while maintaining structure and consistency across vendors and products. Adding product features enables customers to use the powerful COMPARISON tool which will show them how similar products differ in key areas. They also enable customers to FILTER SEARCH results by feature - to tailor their product selection to their exact needs.

Product features and which product categories they apply to, can only be set by marketplace administrators to ensure a consistent experience across the board for people shopping at our marketplace. Vendors DO have the ability to add variants of product features that are not currently listed in the database.

For example: Admin would create a feature named Laser Wattage, which would apply to all products in the Laser Machine category, but vendors would be able to create new laser wattages if they do not find their specification in the list of specs generated by admin or other vendors.

The system is immense, very detailed and adds a massive amount of functionality to our marketplace.

We have a video highlighting these features here: https://youtube.com/live/ZPcV40SMDwc?feature=share

Note: this stream says vendors don't currently have the ability to add feature variants, that functionality has since been added and is operational!


With the fourth quarter right around the corner, we will be beginning our push to market the machines and brands that we have already established in our market place with actual video from the website. By getting your products listed as quickly as possible, you’ll ensure your place in our future videos highlighting the market places, ability to help buyers find the right machines for their purpose.

Another item on the agenda to help highlight your products, and company, is that Matt will be writing a weekly blog and millijoule that highlights makers and manufacturers who have active stores in the marketplace. He will send you a brief survey with some simple questions, and then do a write up using your answers to generate what makes your brand something to choose or look into on the marketplace.

We are 100% focused on the success of the marketplace and will be available to help support vendors in creating their stores. Your success is our success; and the community is meant for you and all of the makers. So please join us this week in posting your best and brightest items to your marketplace store so that we can get this ball rolling!


The Laser Everything Marketplace is now MakerREMIX Market!

You can find the market at https://market.makerremix.com/

No data has been lost or changed. Everything is right where you left it. You may log in with your existing credentials.


For the first time ever, we are offering an opportunity to purchase ad space on our main website on pages that have moderate to high levels of web traffic. You will be able to present your brand directly to consumers looking to expand their ownership into new categories like fiber, CO2, or UV, and related items with active, clickable links to your page and products. We are offering this to our early adopters exclusively at this time so that we can continue to make improvements to the marketplace for everyone's benefit, and to HELP FUND continued development as we uncover new bugs and solve new challenges before the marketplace is self-sustainable.

This opportunity is limited and is being offered to our currently registered marketplace vendors as appreciation for your early adoption of the site and for your faith in your partnered success with Laser Everything. However, to not show favoritism, it will be first come first served; and with more companies continuing to sign-up they will have an opportunity soon after your invitation. So don't wait to reach out as the few spaces we have will be gone quickly! We're very excited to further develop our partnership with you to help establish your foothold in the laser everything marketplace and continue to help grow your business and success working with us, and serving this amazing community.

For information on pricing please email us a marketplace@lasereverything.net


Laser Everything has launched it's new social network for makers, MakerREMIX and it's currently in beta. There are many features integrated to highlight your brand and products on the marketplace and the space is currently more or less devoid of vendors. We invite you to use this space and the features within to help promote your shops on the marketplace. It currently has over 250 members in the first week and is growing rapidly. Not only do we anticipate quick growth but hope to use this as a central location to focus our audience going forward.

MakerREMIX features live chat, a wiki and traditional forums all of which are perfect for supporting your current or future customers and providing information about your products in a way that's easy to search and find. Inside you'll also find pages which can be used to make product announcements to your followers and groups to provide support and communication for your users.

Development is ongoing and we're looking forward to adding much more functionality as time goes on. When the marketplace development is complete this will be our primary development focus moving forward. You can sign up for free at https://makerremix.com and I look forward to seeing you there.

To see more of MakerREMIX in action watch this video: https://youtube.com/live/QRnMNjFeEoI?feature=share


If you haven't seen them, LaserEverything.net features community parameter libraries where users can go to find settings for their specific machines. The libraries are extremely detailed and account for laser source, wattage, pulse width, frequency and a ton of other parameters so users can find an exact match to their setup. Laser vendors: I'd encourage you to add settings for your machines as you are testing in your facilities. I've seen so many of you create wonderful videos of your equipment working and sharing how those results were achieved would help your users get a head start on your equipment. You can find these libraries and the submission forms for them under https://lasereverything.net under the SETTINGS tab.


We're in the process of creating a TON of promotional materials for the marketplace including our extensive BUYING GUIDE. To best represent your products and brands we're asking vendors to submit high quality photos of your products that will be used to generate traffic to the site and show off your offerings. Please email images or links to cloud storage to marketplace@lasereverything.net


We are always looking forward to your feedback. See a missing category on the marketplace that should be added? A forum on MakerREMIX that is missing? A feature somewhere you'd like to see implemented or a bug that's keeping something from working? PLEASE LET US KNOW. The best way to do so is in the new Marketplace Vendor Group on MakerREMIX.com as it's our big upcoming project I am spending most of my time there overseeing it's start up while the development team wraps up what they have to do on the marketplace. Additionally the Marketplace Vendor group on Facebook or via the marketplace@lasereverything.net email address are both great options. These spaces are visible low traffic so it's easy for our small team to locate and attend to your feedback.


Thanks for your patience as we enter the final days/weeks of this very long and difficult project. You've stood by us as we've tried to build this massive infrastructure to provide the best and easiest place to shop online for laser equipment and everyone on my team is extremely grateful. We're in the home stretch now and more details about the roll out schedule and grand opening will be following very VERY soon.

Special thanks to each and every one of you.


Alex @ Laser Everything
